Apprentices and Interns

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A CloverCroft apprenticeship offers a competitive and immersive experience at an ecological farm focused on regenerative agriculture: farming in a way that endows future generations.

Good Work

At CloverCroft we take pride in growing nutrient rich, healthy, local food to nourish the community around us. to learn more about how we’re working please check out this page.

Paid Interning

We recognize that an unpaid internship is something accessible only to those with the privilege to afford a summer without being paid, and so we are proud to [finally] offer paid internships in the hopes of attracting and encouraging new farmers from all walks of life. Essentially this means you’re hired like any other employee, and compensated in the same way, but also includes educational commitments which the farm can help to subsidize and make space for in your weekly schedule.

Expectations and Compensation

Working hours and expectations, and salary / monetary compensation are outlined on our FARMER JOBS page. Please review this prior to applying.

Accommodation and Food: We do not offer food and housing for our team, however a taking a CSA vegetable share is a part of working at CloverCroft, as well as eggs. Being nourished by the work of your hands is part of what this is all about. We will assist in finding housing for someone coming from away if needed.

Education: We take seriously the need to educate and nurture a new generation of farmers interested in real food security, and caring for our soil and planet.. Our intern education program focuses on the wealth of hands-on learning that happens in the field, and includes subsidy to enrol in the EFAO/Ignatius new farmer training program which includes educational pieces and opportunities to visit other ecological farms around southern Ontario. While I do not feel that teaching is one of my great gifts, I do feel confident in pointing you in the right direction (this is where the self-driven part comes in) and giving you the tools to help you succeed.

Throughout your time working here you’ll be exposed to various aspects of organic agriculture, including integrated pest management, soil science, growing strong seedlings, weed maintenance, balancing nutrient needs, farm fertility, crop rotation, cover cropping, tillage (and avoiding it), small livestock management, apiary management, developing client relationships, food handling and safety, entering the local food system, and small scale farm machinery. From there your interest will drive you, and we will give you the tools to dig deeper into your farming journey.



Submit your resume and a letter of interest which must include:

  1. Email and phone number for daytime contact

  2. Describe your farming/gardening experience

  3. Why are you interested in organic farm internship at CloverCroft Farm?

  4. What would you like to learn during the internship?

  5. What skills and qualities would you offer the Farm?

Please submit resume and letter of interest with application details to: