Barter Relationships at CloverCroft Farm

We are big fans of barter economy, and thankfully we have something wonderful to trade with - fresh organic vegetables! We’re open to many versions of barter relationships. If you think you have something that we would like to trade for - shoot a message to One of the best things we can offer is the working CSA share - i love this one, and there is lots more info about it below.

Some possible barter relationships we are seeking to develop in 2024 are:

  • Working Shares - trade a season of veg for some work in the fields - more on that below.

  • Market Help in Toronto (Trinity Bellwoods or Cabbagetown Markets) Tuesdays from 230pm to 5pm or from 5pm to 730pm.

  • A photographer with family picture experience

  • Carpentry - looking to build a cool composting toilet thing this season, or to upgrade some nesting boxes for the hens

CloverCroft Farm Working CSA Shares!

get your hands a little dirty, and go home with food that you helped to grow

Think of it: A community garden veg plot, with waaaay more diversity and seasonal options, but the weeds don’t take over if you have to miss a week.


At CloverCroft we farm, in part, because we know how healing and how nourishing it can be to take part in growing; in getting your hands into the soil and connecting directly to what’s on your table. That’s why we offer a working share, and we try to be as flexible with it as we can.

We offer a Small CSA Share of vegetables (6 items a week for 20 weeks), in exchange for 50 hours of farm work over the course of the season (May 1 to Oct 31).

Before the season begins, you’re invited to walk the farm with Farmer Ryan, to discuss your learning and working goals, and how your schedule can jive with the farm schedule. We’ll establish some areas of farm work that we need help with and that interest you, and when you start we will train you in your key areas of interest, and encourage throughout the season as you grow your skills.

Consider a few of these options, or create your own working share:


Best for those enjoying the school break, fit your hours into the 8 weeks of summer, and enjoy the full 20 week season of fresh vegetables.


Join the team for 4 hours a week on a weekday as we plant, weed, prune, or harvest.


Come for 8 hours every-other weekend. Best for someone independent or with a buddy.


Bring your partner out one evening each week for 2 hours, work together and grow food together.


If you’re interested in any of these barter relationships, please email Farmer Ryan:

Please also include:

  1. Your name, phone number, and email address

  2. Any previous experience in gardening or farming (you don’t need any, I’m just curious).

  3. Any areas of the farm that interest you particularly

  4. For work share, please propose a regular schedule you can commit to, to be discussed further.